Mohr’s Circle Calculator for Plane Stress and Plane Strain

Mohr's circle is an easy way of visualizing the state of stress at a point in a loaded material.
This calculator is currently in BETA testing mode. Currently only 2D Plane Stress is available, however 2D Plane Strain and 3D Plane Stress/Strain will be added later.

Add or Edit Mohr's Circle Parameters

Stress/Pressure Units:
Normal Stress along X-axis (σx)
Normal Stress along Y-axis (σy)
Normal Stress along Z-axis (σz)
Shear Stress in XY-plane (τxy)
Shear Stress in XZ-plane (τxz)
Shear Stress in YZ-plane (τyz)
Normal Strain along X-axis (εx)
Normal Strain along Y-axis (εy)
Normal Strain along Z-axis (εz)
Shear Strain in XY-plane (γxy)
Shear Strain in XZ-plane (γxz)
Shear Strain in YZ-plane (γyz)

Description Symbol Value Formula
Please enter parameters to begin...

Unrotated Element

17 thoughts on “Mohr’s Circle Calculator for Plane Stress and Plane Strain

  1. Hello,

    This is amazing and so helpful!! Only bug for me is that text is overlapping in the Mohr Circle graph. It would be awesome for it not to overlap so I could screenshot the image or if I could download an image of it, that would be also very helpful.

  2. Hi,

    Its helpful but for Mohrs circle what is the scale used for drawing it, like is it 1 cm=1psi or something like that, if we want to draw it graphically

    • Hi Nisarg. The scale is not that simple – the calculator’s scale will always change to fit in the mohr’s circle and so the scale could really be anything depending on the numbers.

  3. Would I be correct in assuming that there are plans to show the correct orientation of the element – at present this feature does not appear to be working.

    • Yes that will be done later. We’ve been working a lot on SkyCiv but these calculators need love too.

  4. If we could go on rotating a certain degree angle in the Mohr Circle from the point decided by the parameters of the right side in a given element, it will be much powerful.

  5. There is a syntax error in maximum shear stress formula. It should be the square root of that.

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