
Welcome to our Russian for!

We are pleased to say that the website is also translated into Russian! This means the Bending Moment Diagram calculator is fully operational in your language. So, you will be able to calculate the bending moment forces on a simple supported beam, as well as the moment of inertia and shear forces using the same calculator found at .

The calculator is very user-friendly and allows you to add multiple load cases to the beam. The calculator is extremely fast and accurate; providing clear and professional looking bending moment diagrams, shear force diagrams and free body diagrams. These diagrams can be used in university assignments and homework tasks.

Our tutorial pages, also offer a great selection of lessons on how to calculate the reactions of supports, as well as how to calculate the bending moment diagrams or shear force diagrams of beams. This is very valuable as it allows you to learn the same process that the calculator uses, which is often a very important part of Engineering courses and degrees at University.

The PRO Calculator has a range of added features for only a small fee of $4.99 per year. This upgrade will provide you with the the following added benefits:
- Deflection Calculator
- Stress Calculator
- No Annoying Ads
- Infinite Forces and Moments can be Added
- Cleaner Interface and Diagrams
- Statically Indeterminate Beams

These features are very important to civil engineers as they provide a fast and accurate way to check answers, or rough calculations. This powerful calculator is simple, yet effective beam analysis program that can be used anywhere with internet!

Finally, we have also compiled a list of the keywords and their translations in case you get lost along the way!

Bending Moment Diagram – Diagrama de momento flector
Moment of Inertia – Momento de inercia
Shear Force Diagram – Diagrama de fuerza transversal
Stress – Estrés/ esfuerzo
Forces - Fuerzas
Beam Section - Sección de la viga
Centroid - Centroide
Section Modulus - Momento de resistencia
Statically Indeterminant Beam - Viga estáticamente indeterminada